//===================================== // Ext JS Release Notes //===================================== // Release Date: October 11, 2007 // Current Version: 2.0-beta-1a (rev 1177) // Previous Version: 2.0-alpha-1 (rev 1032) //===================================== ===== Added ===== src/widgets/layout/ AbsoluteLayout - New layout type for absolute XY positioning of contained items AccordionLayout - Renamed from AccordianLayout, no code changes ===== Removed ===== src/widgets/layout/ AccordianLayout - Renamed to AccordionLayout ===== Modified ===== src/core/ CompositeElement - Refactored node removal in removeElement() and replaceElement() DomHelper - Refactored insertFirst Element - Fixes in getHeight()/getWidth() to return 0 for negative values, doc updates EventManager - Refactored onWindowResize(), added body CSS classes for "ie6" and "ie7", doc updates Ext - Added removeNode() for generic DOM node removal, added isIE6 property src/locale/ ext-lang-en - Added Date.monthNumbers and several DatePicker strings src/util/ ClickRepeater - Changes to handle repeat acceleration Date - Added 'u' format for milliseconds w/ leading zeroes, refactored getWeekOfYear(), doc updates Format - Added stripScripts() MixedCollection - Fix in findIndex, doc updates src/widgets/ BoxComponent - Fix in setPosition()/setPagePosition() to check for null x value Button - Fix in afterRender() for IE6 check to defer autoWidth call Component - Change in onRender() to handle auto element creation - Fix in isVisible() to return false if not rendered - New XType methods getXType, isXType, getXTypes - Doc updates Container - Fix in render to do layout only when there is no owning container - Change to remove item borders on add if hideBorders = true - New functions find, findBy, findById, findByType to retrieve child components - Doc updates DatePicker - Added logic to init disabled days on picker init Layer - Refactored destroy() PagingToolbar - Changed various internal CSS class prefixes to "x-tbar" Panel - Fix in createGhost() to add 'px' to ghost width, doc updates PanelDD - Fix in show() to position the ghost element correctly on show Resizable - Fix to append the proxy element to the document body SplitBar - Refactored destroy() SplitButton - Fix in onEnable()/onDisable() for IE6 check when adding/removing x-item-disabled class Window - Various fixes for modal dialog mask resizing on window resize src/widgets/form/ BasicForm - Fix in render() to apply to existing markup correctly Checkbox - Replaced constructor with initComponent Combo - Replaced constructor with initComponent, doc updates DateField - Added logic to init disabled days on picker init, doc updates Field - Fix for input width for IE6 with strict doc type, doc updates Form - Added onEnable()/onDisable() with logic to cascade to fields HtmlEditor - Fix in toggleEditSource() to preserve the editor size when toggling NumberField - Added baseChars config Radio - Replaced constructor with initComponent TextArea - Removed previously-deprecated minHeight and maxHeight configs (replace with growMin and growMax), refactored onDestroy TextField - Replaced constructor with initComponent, doc updates TriggerField - Fix to resize the wrapping element on resize, mimic blur fixes, doc updates src/widgets/grid/ GridPanel - Change in onDestroy() to destroy the load mask even when the grid is not rendered, doc updates GridView - Added resize marker, various minor fixes and doc updates GroupingView - Refactored logic for showing groups in beforeMenuShow() src/widgets/layout/ BorderLayout - Change in onLayout() to restore previous collapsed state, doc updates BorderLayout.Region - Fix in tool template to add the semicolon to  , fix in applyLayout() for incorrect check of current collapsed state ColumnLayout - Fixes in onLayout() for column sizing, doc update ContainerLayout - Fix in renderItem() for case when position is not specified FitLayout - Fixes to check that the container is not collapsed before resizing src/widgets/tips/ QuickTips - Fix in showAt() to set dismiss properties correctly, doc updates Tip - Fix to add header element when closable with no title, doc updates src/widgets/tree/ TreeNode - Fix in removeChild() for case where tree has a hidden root node TreeNodeUI - Added destroy(), doc updates TreePanel - Fix to set internal beforeexpandnode event handler correctly, added onDestroy(), doc updates ===== Doc updates only ===== src/core/ DomQuery src/data/ ArrayReader Connection DataReader JsonReader Record src/dd/ DDCore src/util/ Observable TaskMgr XTemplate src/widgets/ ComponentMgr DataView MessageBox ProgressBar TabPanel WindowMgr src/widgets/form/ Action TimeField src/widgets/grid/ CellSelectionModel ColumnModel PropertyGrid src/widgets/layout/ AnchorLayout FormLayout TableLayout src/widgets/menu/ Adapter CheckItem Item MenuMgr src/widgets/tips/ QuickTips ToolTip src/widgets/tree/ TreeDragZone TreeDropZone TreeEditor TreeLoader